Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Using Labels and other reminders

So - it's me again. Now that we are in full swing, I'd like to repost some info from Robin:

For this BJP year, I've already determined the acceptable labels for your posts. Please stick with these labels. It will take a few posts to get them all in the index. In this post, I've added all the months. If you post about your work for a specific month, you can use the appropriate month label for it.

When you post, click on Show all at lower right of posting box, and choose appropriate label(s) from the list shown.

The reason to limit the possible labels is because it's easy to get too many labels (confusing) or ones that are too long (hide the down arrow).

Hope this is OK with everyone. If you feel it's important to add a label, please ask Diane M. (our blog master) about it. Thanks!

Please note... there are too many of us to label posts with our names. Instead, please sign every post with a link to your blog, website or email, as I have done below.

Robin A.

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