Monday, September 1, 2008

September piece

Well here I go. I have started on my piece for September. I decide on a finished 8inch square. I hope by the end of the year that I'm not sorry about that. My friend Phyllis, who got me into this, will probably go smaller. I don't really have a theme for each block, but this first one will have very special meaning to me. I enjoy quilting also and hope it is Ok to include small amounts of it in my work. I look forward to the time when I can see everyone's work. Happy Beading.


abeadlady said...

You can include quilting or any other media you like into your pages as long as it has beads on it. I hope to add a little crazy quilting to a couple of mine this year.


The bad Liz said...

Betty - that is what my project ended up being last year. Each month was just something special to me. Take care - the Bad Liz

Robin said...

Absolutley OK to include quilting in your work. Have you seen my brother's BJP pieces from last year? He is Thom Atkins and his pages are here. I think 8 x 8 will be quite doable. Look forward to seeing what you do!

Robin A.