Thursday, January 20, 2011
2010 Finished
Thursday, October 28, 2010
You can see it here:
it's for one of my childrens and his passion for Aboriginal Art.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Locked in Frustration!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
January 2009 Stargazer Lily

I started Stargazer Lily on January 16, 2009. I wasn't happy
with the transparent seed beads and put it away for over a
year. I finished it last night and I am going to make it in a pin.
I am catching up and know that I am so far behind... I have 7 to
go and am going to be able to finish 7 more.
Monday, February 22, 2010
BJP 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Unlocking My Creativity & Trav'lin' Light
Friday, January 22, 2010
BJP 2009 ended !!!
You can see them and my last works on my blog
So, now bye to this year et see you on the BJP2010 !!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Craft Hope for Haiti
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New year
First of all, I want to wish you a wonderful creative New year.
I'm really late and I've only finished my square #11 for the 2009 project.
You can see it here
Happy beading to all
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My August page is finally done!
Started nearly a year and a half ago, it's about time it was posted!
I'd love to know what you think!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Yikes! Last Day to Register for 2010 BJP... Pictures!
If you're undecided, take a look at my blog, here. I just posted pictures of some of my favorite pieces from the past year of the BJP... 42 pictures (most click-to-enlarge)... work by 40 of our participants!!!! I was erratic at saving pictures, so I didn't get all of my favorites. Also some members don't have a blog or didn't post pictures to the website. However, the pictures I posted will give you some grand inspirations and incentives to join the 2010 BJP!!!!
Happy holidays, everyone!!!
PS... If you're having difficulty registering or have questions about it, you can email
me: robin[at}robinatkins{dot]com
or Pam T: pamtru63{at]gmail[dot}com
PSS... Thanks for your well wishes about my Mom. During the week I was in Minnesota, she rallied nicely. I'm hoping she'll make her 93rd birthday in January!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
HI from Chilly Minnesota...
My dear Mom took a turn for the worse a week ago and we thought her time among us was at an end. So my sister (who lives in Everett, WA) and I flew back to MN to be with her. Luck for us, she has rallied and we are spending some quality moments with her.
In the meantime, I've been having a little time to bead again with Julie, Pam and Brenda, all three BJP participants living in St. Paul, MN! Tomorrow we're going to Pam's for another session. We're having great fun talking about our ideas for BJP 2010. Brenda's working on a special beaded box that will hold her 2010 pieces. I won't spill the beans about it, but it's going to be amazing! Pam's talking about wanting more texture, more dimension to her pieces. Julie is still very undecided. Me too, although I have lots of ideas and I'm pretty sure I'll do some shape other than 4x6, the postcard shape I've been using for the past two years.
What about YOU????????
Will you be with us? I hope so!!!! There are only 5 more days to register. Really, truely, it is not hard. If the registration information on our website seems to difficult or doesn't work on your computer, just email Pam T or me and tell us you want to be in. We'll take care of it.
One current member emailed me to say she hadn't finished this year's pieces yet and therefore felt she shouldn't do it again. My answer is this: Don't be bogged down by last year's business... If you think you'd like to try it again, go for it. Let 2008-09 rest and move on!!!
May you all have a deliciously wonderful holiday season. May your stockings be filled with fabulous beads!
Hugs to you all,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
counting down the days...
Since Sunday November 22nd, 36 people registered:
29 NEW participants AND 7 RETURNING participants.
Homes: North Carolina: 3; Arizona: 3; Louisiana: 1; California: 2; Ohio: 4; Ontario, Canada: 3; Australia: 2; Washington: 4; New Mexico: 1; France: 2; Texas: 1; Wisconsin: 1; South Carolina: 1; Missouri: 1; Turkey: 1; Oklahoma: 1; Tennessee: 1; Washington DC: 1; Illinois: 1; New Jersey: 1 and Florida: 1
Total registration so far: 214!!!
I will not post again until registration closes on the 15th… Once again, if you have not received your confirmation, please make sure you let me know AND/OR check your spam filter for your email. My email is
Hope you are all doing well and keeping busy finishing up your 2008-2009 BJP, planning for the 2010 BJP, and getting your Holiday preparations in order!!! Have a great week…
pam T
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I took Robin Atkin's "techniques for Bead embroidery" class this past Friday and have been re inspired! I had quit on several months, leaving them semi-finished. I had not been able to figure out ways to make the backs look good, I had run out of steam and ideas on the beading on some of them and just called them finished. and I still have one month that has been sewn but not beaded yet.
BUT after this class I have been totally re inspired. I learned so many new techniques. and all the variations of them. I have been beading almost non-stop since I got back. After finishing the sampler, I revisited some of my journal pages that I had previously thought was done. I have been working on some wonderful additions to my December page. I feel like I see the fabric in a whole new way. Getting unstuck is just a bugel bead pathway away.
Also seeing her work in person turned on the light bulb for how to finish my own and ways to display them to really show them off. Now I just need to get some book board and foam core to get them done. I was also excited to share my work with Robin (which she seemed to enjoy!)
I got another one of her books (I own 3 now) and I highly recommend them!
So I signed up for another year of the beaded journal project. I plan to take on a smaller size this time! but thinking about going 3-D and making them dolls.

Okay, off the computer and back to some beading... next I hit the joann's on black friday to get an Ott light for cheap!